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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Current League Players Report

League FRTH11 - FRPT Thurs 4Man Fall 24

Team Player Nick Name Shoots
3 Fattys And Woke
Kenny Beck 1
Robbie Boals 2
Eric Woker 3
Tadd Boals 4
James Kaltenbrun BRUN 5
Jordan Luedeking 6
35 Fingers
Brian Johnson BRIAN 1
Rick Watson RICK 2
Monte Moore MONTE 3
Ed Salzman ED 4
Evan Spangler EVAN 5
Bare Minimum Bandits
Dustin Brinkmeier BRINK 1
Brent Cauthen B 2
Chuck Wachlin CHUCK 3
Jaden Mittelsteadt LILMIDL 4
Brandon Byrne TUKI 5
Nick Mosca NICK 6
Bench Warmers
Phil Bauscher 1
Matt Hepler 2
Alex Holloway ALEX 3
Bert Beverage BERT 4
Maurice Holloway Sr 5
Jason Galbo GALBO 6
Travis Schap T MONEY 1
Kris Blum DONUT 2
Tyler Newhausen TJINGLE 3
Adam Strohecker STROH 4
Brock Feld BROCK 5
James Kaltenbrun BRUN 6
Nick Mosca NICK 7
No Skill Just Lucky
Keith Beightol KEITH 1
Donovan Choumont 2
Drew Heiden 3
Steven Holm 4
Tiffany Woker BOBBERS 5
Jenny Bower JENNY 6
Austin Jones 7
Dylan Rainey 8
Slides Super Heroes
Brandon Maher SLIDES 1
Ryan Pottratz BIG D 2
Brad Stitch 3
James Eversoll 4
The Four Js
Joel Plum JOJO 1
Casey Brokhousen CASEY B 2
Rodney Plum RODNEY 3
Tony Oxley 4
Joe Bastian SHREK 5
Well Seasoned
Quentin Howarth Q 1
James Salt JIMBO 2
Brian Veer FATSACK 3
Brian Dieter 4
Nick Mosca NICK 5

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