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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Schedule Report for DKLB4 - Dekalb Vegas League 2024

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAli N Pat
Lucky Poker Sycamore
 3260 Sycamore Rd Sycamore, IL 60115 815-375-5929
2AFrank N Don
Lucky Poker Dekalb
 1812 Sycamore Rd Dekalb, IL 60115 815-375-5189
3AJoey N Scotty
Lucky Poker Dekalb
 1812 Sycamore Rd Dekalb, IL 60115 815-375-5189
4ANycole N Keith
Lucky Poker Sycamore
 3260 Sycamore Rd Sycamore, IL 60115 815-375-5929
5AOscar N Tonya
Jazzys Spot
 870 West Lincoln Hwy Dekalb, IL 60115 
6AReal McCoys
Lucky Poker Dekalb
 1812 Sycamore Rd Dekalb, IL 60115 815-375-5189
7ATerry N Chris
Jazzys Spot
 870 West Lincoln Hwy Dekalb, IL 60115 
8ATJ N Daniel
Lucky Poker Dekalb
 1812 Sycamore Rd Dekalb, IL 60115 815-375-5189
9AVincent N Sergio
Jazzys Spot
 870 West Lincoln Hwy Dekalb, IL 60115 

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/12/2024
Frank N Don Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Real McCoys Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Nycole N Keith Jazzys Spot
2 9/19/2024
Vincent N Sergio BYE BYE
Nycole N Keith Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Dekalb
Joey N Scotty Frank N Don Lucky Poker Dekalb
Terry N Chris Ali N Pat Jazzys Spot
3 9/26/2024
BYE Terry N Chris BYE
Ali N Pat Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don Real McCoys Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Vincent N Sergio Jazzys Spot
4 10/03/2024
Oscar N Tonya BYE BYE
Vincent N Sergio TJ N Daniel Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Frank N Don Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
Joey N Scotty Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
5 10/10/2024
BYE Joey N Scotty BYE
Terry N Chris Real McCoys Jazzys Spot
Ali N Pat Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Dekalb
6 10/17/2024
Oscar N Tonya Frank N Don Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Ali N Pat Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Dekalb
7 10/24/2024
BYE Real McCoys BYE
Joey N Scotty Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
Terry N Chris Vincent N Sergio Jazzys Spot
Ali N Pat Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Dekalb
8 10/31/2024
Frank N Don BYE BYE
TJ N Daniel Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Terry N Chris Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Joey N Scotty Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Real McCoys Lucky Poker Sycamore
9 11/07/2024
BYE Nycole N Keith BYE
Real McCoys Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Dekalb
Joey N Scotty Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Dekalb
Terry N Chris TJ N Daniel Jazzys Spot
Ali N Pat Frank N Don Lucky Poker Sycamore
10 11/14/2024
Terry N Chris Frank N Don Jazzys Spot
Joey N Scotty TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Dekalb
Real McCoys Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Dekalb
Nycole N Keith Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Sycamore
11 11/21/2024
BYE Vincent N Sergio BYE
Oscar N Tonya Nycole N Keith Jazzys Spot
TJ N Daniel Real McCoys Lucky Poker Dekalb
Frank N Don Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Dekalb
Ali N Pat Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Sycamore
12 12/05/2024
Terry N Chris BYE BYE
Joey N Scotty Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
Real McCoys Frank N Don Lucky Poker Dekalb
Nycole N Keith TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Sycamore
Vincent N Sergio Oscar N Tonya Jazzys Spot
13 12/12/2024
BYE Oscar N Tonya BYE
TJ N Daniel Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Dekalb
Frank N Don Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
Ali N Pat Real McCoys Lucky Poker Sycamore
Terry N Chris Joey N Scotty Jazzys Spot
14 12/19/2024
Joey N Scotty BYE BYE
Real McCoys Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
Nycole N Keith Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Sycamore
Vincent N Sergio Frank N Don Jazzys Spot
Oscar N Tonya TJ N Daniel Jazzys Spot
15 1/02/2025
Frank N Don Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Dekalb
Ali N Pat Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Sycamore
Terry N Chris Nycole N Keith Jazzys Spot
Joey N Scotty Real McCoys Lucky Poker Dekalb
16 1/09/2025
Real McCoys BYE BYE
Nycole N Keith Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Sycamore
Vincent N Sergio Terry N Chris Jazzys Spot
Oscar N Tonya Ali N Pat Jazzys Spot
TJ N Daniel Frank N Don Lucky Poker Dekalb
17 1/16/2025
BYE Frank N Don BYE
Ali N Pat TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Sycamore
Terry N Chris Oscar N Tonya Jazzys Spot
Joey N Scotty Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Dekalb
Real McCoys Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
18 1/23/2025
Nycole N Keith BYE BYE
Vincent N Sergio Real McCoys Jazzys Spot
Oscar N Tonya Joey N Scotty Jazzys Spot
TJ N Daniel Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
Frank N Don Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
19 1/30/2025
Frank N Don Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Real McCoys Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Nycole N Keith Jazzys Spot
20 2/06/2025
Vincent N Sergio BYE BYE
Nycole N Keith Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Dekalb
Joey N Scotty Frank N Don Lucky Poker Dekalb
Terry N Chris Ali N Pat Jazzys Spot
21 2/13/2025
BYE Terry N Chris BYE
Ali N Pat Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don Real McCoys Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Vincent N Sergio Jazzys Spot
22 2/20/2025
Oscar N Tonya BYE BYE
Vincent N Sergio TJ N Daniel Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Frank N Don Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
Joey N Scotty Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Dekalb
23 2/27/2025
BYE Joey N Scotty BYE
Terry N Chris Real McCoys Jazzys Spot
Ali N Pat Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don Vincent N Sergio Lucky Poker Dekalb
TJ N Daniel Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Dekalb
24 3/06/2025
Oscar N Tonya Frank N Don Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Ali N Pat Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Terry N Chris Lucky Poker Sycamore
Real McCoys Joey N Scotty Lucky Poker Dekalb
25 3/13/2025
BYE Real McCoys BYE
Joey N Scotty Nycole N Keith Lucky Poker Dekalb
Terry N Chris Vincent N Sergio Jazzys Spot
Ali N Pat Oscar N Tonya Lucky Poker Sycamore
Frank N Don TJ N Daniel Lucky Poker Dekalb
26 3/20/2025
Frank N Don BYE BYE
TJ N Daniel Ali N Pat Lucky Poker Dekalb
Oscar N Tonya Terry N Chris Jazzys Spot
Vincent N Sergio Joey N Scotty Jazzys Spot
Nycole N Keith Real McCoys Lucky Poker Sycamore

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