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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Standings Report for CCWH24 - Clinton Co Travel

Team Standings, sorted by Wins

Team Win % Games Wins
Division: A
The Gridiron 69.5 210 146
Hondos 1 68.6 210 144
KC Hall 65.2 210 137
Speed Bumps 1 65.2 210 137
Larrys West End 1 61.9 210 130
Hondos 2 57.6 210 121
Slip In Saloon 56.2 210 118
Fuehnes 60.5 195 118
The Grill 52.4 210 110
Mainstreet 2 56.4 195 110
Turf Bar 2 56.4 195 110
Hanks Bowl 51.0 210 107
Turf Bar 1 52.8 195 103
Mainstreet 1 48.6 210 102
Millside 48.1 210 101
Ducks Place 46.7 210 98
Speed Bumps 2 45.2 210 95
Bobs Little Acre 46.2 195 90
Ethels 45.6 195 89
Eagles Nest 45.1 195 88
Larrys West End 2 44.6 195 87
Gridiron 2 38.6 210 81
VIP Golf Pass 36.7 210 77
Sluggers 29.5 210 62
Dutchmens 27.1 210 57
The Keys 24.8 210 52

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