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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Bill N Brian Bill Redig 815-979-5770 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Brandon N John M Brandon Gruner 815-713-5398 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Drake N John Drake Dagnon 815-505-7752 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Joe N Flea Joe Tassoni 815-319-1248 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Matt N Elias Matt Malmberg 815-543-9460 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Tina N Flora Tina Peterson 815-601-5973 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Tony N Scott Tony Saladino 815-315-7005 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009

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