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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Bam Bam N Jeff Ed Debehnke 773-366-5055 My Place 815-229-6096
Cory N Kaleb Cory Kuehne 815-601-3252 On State 815-708-6306
Grip My Stones Kevin Peterson 815-601-5974 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Hillbilly N Jesse Jason Hilliard 815-703-8086 My Place 815-229-6096
One Hoel Out Chris Schultz 815-621-6707 On State 815-708-6306
Shithawks Roger Corey 779-770-3619 Gyros House 815-708-6697
Trouble N Edwin Edwin Cruz 773-577-9251 TNTs 779-423-1808
Yankee N Mr Ed Tavis Alfredson 815-979-8455 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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