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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
5th Quarter DAVE HUFFMAN 708-860-6282 The Fifth Quarter 708-798-2710
Big Tips Donald Wozniak 309-696-0244 Trust Me 309-580-8005
Lost In Dart Heaven JOHN SCHMIDGALL 309-242-3737 Yankee Doodle 309-662-8332
Oldish Donnie Chavis 706-589-4529 The Loft Augusta 706-828-6600
Solo Cup TRAVIS LAWSON 803-645-5422 The Loft Augusta 706-828-6600
The Throttle Tony Anderson 309-678-2175 THE THROTTLE 6991592

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