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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
3 Studs And A Queen JOHN SCHMIDGALL 309-242-3737 YANKEE DOODLE 309-662-8332
Damn Dandbaggers Artie Martin 815-298-7995 Palpables Pub 779-475-0707
Forest Hills Kelly Johnson 815-985-1595 Forest Hills Lanes 815-654-3900
Lets Do Shots JEREMY MILLIS 815-507-6999 BIGHOUSE 815-635-5000
Regulators Robert Chapman 815-716-5177 On State Bar An Rest 815-708-6306
Skrew Offs BO PORTER 309-643-7301 Hangovers 309-681-1244

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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