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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Abbys Brad Sanderson 815-762-5990 Abbys 815-784-8200
Bulls R Us Rich Nieminky 312-502-1885 Magoos 708-701-2949
Corner Tap Boys Ron Smith 309-889-3044 Katies Corner Tap 309-387-6011
Go Gurl Maggie Trainor 706-339-9441 The Loft Augusta 706-828-6600
Hangovers Shelton Adcock 309-368-3947 Hangovers 309-681-1244
Trolley Curt Hobbs 309-323-1068 Trolley 309-637-4722
Turd Birds Kylie Kryger 630-408-8223 Bulldogs Cellar 630-406-9177
Vics Place Vic Moradia 630-379-7018 Vics Place 815-887-5070

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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