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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Forrest Hills 2 Kelly Johnson 815-985-1595 Forest Hills Lanes 815-654-3900
Forrest Hills 3 Sammy Lenz 815-721-9248 Forest Hills Lanes 815-654-3900
HANOVERS Jon Schumacher 309-231-5017 Hanovers 309-367-4500
Mularkeys James Kaltenbrun 815-517-8204 Mullarkeys 815-734-0759
PINEAPPLE EXPRESS MELISSA DUVALL 815-419-5310 Skullys 815-689-2193
ROPIN DUMMIES HARVEY SPANG 406-720-0184 Miner House
Vics Place Vic Moradia 630-379-7018 Vics Place 815-887-5070
Wanna Be Pros Brian Pals 815-821-0064 Lucky Pines Pubhouse 815-957-1555

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