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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
DAMON AND KEVIN Kevin Fowler 217-372-4864 Mowies 217-529-7616
HANGOVERS Iesha Bower 309-750-5610 Hangovers 309-681-1244
I DONT CARE Matt Gunn 217-801-0328 Gold Mine Gaming 217-438-8031
M AND M Jeremy Merz 217-638-6628 Mowies 217-529-7616
RHODES HUNTER RHODES 217-206-0588 Gold Mine Gaming 217-438-8031
SANFORD AND SON Patrick Thomas 447-902-4475 Iron Horse 217-851-2837
SHAKE N BAKE Chris Curtis 217-725-5543 Mowies 217-529-7616
SUCK LESS MARRIAH Boley 309-267-9766 The Shot Spot Pub 697-9851

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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