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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Alley 64 Zach Emmons 346-383-2084 Alley 64 630-513-6464
Beauty And The Beast Joey Carroll 719-373-4982 Buds Bar 217-892-9655
Black Diamond Chelsea Camire 630-923-0373 Black Diamond Parlor 815-645-7083
Bubbas Kevin Rutherford 309-645-6236 Bubbas Hideaway 815-716-8447
Dangerous Seniors TIM CANSINO 309-201-8967 TWISTED SPOKE SALOON 6208595
Jazzys Oscar Perez 815-762-7452 Jazzy Spot
Lucky Poker Dklb Bryan Hess 815-616-7942 Lucky Poker Dekalb 815-375-5189
Road Trip RYAN ANDERSON 309-540-8225 Road Trip 309-932-2255

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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