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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Brewskys Chara Cervantes 815-995-2265 Brewskys 815-399-9300
Busters Tracy Lungo 779-770-1991 Busters Bar N Grill 815-633-5009
Hillide LAURA COSTELLO 309-231-1316 Hillside 309-966-3146
Kermit The Ture God Jesse Stephens 618-615-8647 Vices Bar 618-282-8000
On State Daveena Ashley 815-978-9876 On State Bar An Rest 815-708-6306
Projectile Dysfuncti Ashley Wolfmeier 618-304-5773 Vices Bar 618-282-8000
Road Trip 2 BRANDON JONES 314-390-4920 Road Trip 309-932-2255
Skullys 3 John Harms 815-822-8835 Skullys 815-689-2193

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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