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Team | Captain | Captain's Home Phone | Captain's Mobile Phone | Location | Location's Phone |
Found A Sitter | Trent Greer | 630-888-6696 | Abbys | 815-784-8200 | |
Mom And Son | Beatrice Gonzalez | 815-793-9151 | Charleys Gaming | 815-517-0162 | |
One Hole Off | VAL RICKENA | 309-648-2837 | Whitetails | 309-389-3973 | |
Shooting Impaired | LAURA COSTELLO | 309-231-1316 | POTTSTOWN TAP | 4951521 | |
Skullys Duo | John Harms | 815-822-8835 | Skullys | 815-689-2193 | |
Young Bulls | Dylan Hamilton | 815-718-8412 | The Cooler | 815-632-3010 |
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