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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Alley 64 Jason Fitzgerald 224-318-7008 ALLEY 64 PALATINE 847-934-6408
Found A Sitter Trent Greer 630-888-6696 Athenas Palace DKLB 815-901-0430
On Point Oscar Perez 815-762-7452 Bikini Bottom
Team Gonzalez Beatrice Gonzalez 815-793-9151 Jazzy Spot
The Ashleys Daveena Ashley 815-978-9876 On State Bar An Rest 815-708-6306
Tribe Curry Kristi Curry 630-487-7663 Bikini Bottom

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