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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Current League Players Report

League MXSN3 - RKFD Mixed Sunday Fall 23

Team Player Nick Name Shoots
Dirty Flights
Valerie Johnson VALCANO 1
Tamara Kincaide TIPPY 2
Jeffrey Johnson JEFFDOG 3
Trace Evans SPOT 4
Pete Singh 5
Tina Szwiec 6
My Place
Michelle Moses MOMMA 1
Charlotte Whitmire CHAR 2
Tracy Lungo 3
Jasper Wilson 4
On State
Stacy Crane ROO 1
Melissa Chapman MESSY 2
Todd Hoover SANDBGR 3
Robert Chapman ENIGMA 4
Doug Bahling DOUG 5
Smells Like BullsHit
Chara Cervantes CHARITA 1
Kayla Dobbs RAINBOW 2
Bill Confer BILLIAM 3
Joseph Cano TIOPAPI 4

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