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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Bryan N TC Tim Collins 779-970-0726 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Cayli N JP Jesse Porter 815-621-3018 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Colin N Bobby Robert Benson 331-725-4971 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Connor N Laura Laura Wallenberg 815-761-4687 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Eli N Flea Felicia Sines 815-491-5835 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Fire N Ice Michelle Stuert 815-543-0675 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Jackson N Megan Megan Seele 815-703-2692 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Mommas Boys Darell Wilks 815-262-1178 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595
Rutledge N Ted Ted Seele 815-353-6545 The Cherry Bowl 815-332-9595

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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