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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
BAMF Darren Horton 217-622-7284 Dockers
BULL CHIT Drake Clark 217-685-4530 Dockers
BULLS EYE BEAVERS Kat Hopkins 217-381-6097 Dockers
CODY AND CHAD Cody Bounds Dockers
HOT GLIZZIES Alan Oakley 217-553-2463 Dockers
LOONY TUNES Matt Ward 217-494-6886 Dockers
M AND S Mike Myers 217-720-8768 Dockers
PUSS AND BOOTS Matt Brosman 217-572-0469 Dockers
TONY AND ANDY Tony Cusumano 217-971-4498 Dockers
WHAT THE DARTS Shaun Jeffers 217-836-1401 Dockers

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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