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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
2 F BOMBS Thomas Burke 815-757-0452 Athenas Palace SYCA
DUNLAP LEGION 1 BOB CAMPBELL 309-231-7403 Dunlap Legion
LUCKY SPINZ REECE DIEKER 217-209-4869 Lucky Z's Quincy
NO BULLS HIT RACHEL RUTHERFORD 217-851-3125 Gudgel Ranch
ON STATE Daveena Ashley 815-978-9876 On State Bar An Rest 815-708-6306
TEAM HARRIS JIMMY HARRIS 309-669-6093 Hangovers 309-681-1244

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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