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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Jeff N Jen Jen Seele 480-925-6308 My Place 815-229-6096
Julia N Christyna Julia Hogan 815-985-3240 On State 815-708-6306
Kriegerin Crystal Ethridge 815-601-2263 The Mill Saloon 779-500-0979
Manny N Lizette Manny Avina 415-524-9056 TNTs 779-423-1808
Mark N Tasha Mark Bjelland 815-742-3226 Don Carters 815-399-0314
Natalie N Chuck Chuck Vega 815-516-6164 TNTs 779-423-1808

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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