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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Ditties N Tarts Joe Parson 815-980-9354 Jime Zs 815-623-5900
Juan More Time Rene Sotelo 815-499-9850 The Cooler 815-632-3010
Lady Ts Ken Ottinger 331-262-3948 Lady Ts 630-820-7447
Nipps N Tipps Chris Olds 815-441-7355 Aurora Turners Club 630-859-2267
Shoot Your Shot Chris Kazmierczak 815-474-5888 AB Gustos 815-744-4159
Sips N Broken Tips Michael Robinson 847-863-8554 Milanos Cafe 773-685-3830
The Mill Ryan Bressler 815-218-5492 The Mill Saloon
The Wizards Cory McDowell 309-714-1938 Genisios 309-334-2665

Created by LeagueLeader with ARACHNET processing

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