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LeagueLeader LeagueLeader Report - Team Captains

Team Captain Captain's Home Phone Captain's Mobile Phone Location Location's Phone
Darty Dancing Kim Shaffer 715-530-3740 Abbys 815-784-8200
Darty Dancing Deanna Hattula 847-977-6124 Abbys 815-784-8200
Little Darty Secrets Liz Peterson 815-739-3442 Abbys 815-784-8200
Little Darty Secrets Dreanna Smith 815-762-1887 Abbys 815-784-8200
The Dart Bags Bonnie Fisher 815-519-4041 Abbys 815-784-8200
The Dart Bags Sarah Huerta 815-501-3677 Abbys 815-784-8200
The Pointer Sisters Laurie Babb 847-508-4222 Abbys 815-784-8200
The Pointer Sisters Anne White 815-739-0310 Abbys 815-784-8200
Tipsy Chicks Kate Appleby 815-757-7780 Abbys 815-784-8200
Tipsy Chicks George Ann Felvey 815-219-2021 Abbys 815-784-8200
Who Darted Carrie Tucker 815-751-7410 Abbys 815-784-8200
Who Darted Audra Anderson 815-970-0710 Abbys 815-784-8200

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